Tuition and Fees


Fees are based on the date of enrollment. Fees are nonrefundable and are required to be paid at the completion of the online form.

Re-Enrollment Fee (Current WCA Students Only)

Priority Re-Enrollment Fee: $75.00 

Current WCA Re-Enrollment dates: January 16, 2023 - February 10, 2023

Late Re-Enrollment Fee: $150.00

Late Re-Enrollment dates: Begins February 11, 2023

On Campus students are guaranteed a spot in the classroom if re-enrolled before February 10th. At Home learning students will be given higher priority positions for on campus classroom waiting lists. At Home students are encouraged to re-enroll and will be notified after February 10th if an on campus spot becomes available.  

New Student Application, Processing and Assessment Fees

New Student Application Fee: $150.00

Current WCA Sibling Application dates: February 11, 2023 - March 2, 2023

New Student Application dates:  March 6, 2023 - June 30, 2023        


Late Application Fee - $200.00

Late Application dates:  Begins July 1, 2023

Applications will be accepted in order as they are submitted. If a particular class becomes full, we will place your student on a waiting list.

Tuition Payment Plan Fee

Wildwood Christian Academy has partnered with FACTS Tuition Management in order to provide you with multiple tuition payment options. This nonrefundable fee is $0- $50 per family, based on your choice of Tuition Payment Plan.  You may choose to pay your annual tuition in 1, 2, or 3 payments or 10 monthly payments.

Registration/Program Fee 

A nonrefundable annual Registration Fee is due upon acceptance and billed via FACTS.  This fee includes, but is not limited to, curriculum, materials, and yearbook. 

  • $600.00 per school student (Jr. Kindergarten - 5th )

  • $700.00 per school student (6th - 8th)

A nonrefundable Program Fee is due each semester before each advising appointment and billed via FACTS. This fee includes, but is not limited to, registration fees, educational planning including graduation requirements, on campus chapel attendance, and college advising. 

  • $500 per school student (9th - 12th)

Annual Tuition

Junior Kindergarten Student (8:00am - 12:00pm)

Monday, Wednesday & Friday Class Annual Tuition: $4,400.00

Tuesday & Thursday Class Annual Tuition: $2,900.00

Elementary Student (Kindergarten - 5th Grade)

On Campus Student Annual Tuition: $6,000.00

*At Home Student Annual Tuition: $2,200.00

Middle School Student (6th-8th Grade)

Student Annual Tuition: $6,500.00

*You Teach It - At Home Student Annual Tuition: $2,700.00

*We Teach It - At Home Student Annual Tuition: $4,400.00

At Home High School Student (9th - 12th Grade)

*Courses range between $300-$750 per course. Annual Tuition is calculated upon course selection. Recommended student schedules include 6-7 courses per year. Estimated cost between $2,500 - $4,500.

 *These course fees are non-refundable and fully due regardless of the number of days a student is in attendance. 

Sibling Discounts:  

Discounts are offered to siblings living within the same household; the discount applies per student after the first child. Jr. Kindergarten siblings are given a discount rate of $120 for the three day a week class and $80 for the two day a week class off annual tuition. Kindergarten through 8th grade students are given a discount of $200 off annual tuition. Discounts are not offered for At Home Learning tuition.                                                                                                               

Uniforms, Athletics, & Field Trips :  Not included in fees.